Source code for cattrs.disambiguators

"""Utilities for union (sum type) disambiguation."""

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import MISSING
from functools import reduce
from operator import or_
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Literal, Mapping, Union

from attrs import NOTHING, Attribute, AttrsInstance

from ._compat import (
from .gen import AttributeOverride

    from .converters import BaseConverter

__all__ = ["is_supported_union", "create_default_dis_func"]

[docs]def is_supported_union(typ: Any) -> bool: """Whether the type is a union of attrs classes.""" return is_union_type(typ) and all( e is NoneType or has(get_origin(e) or e) for e in typ.__args__ )
[docs]def create_default_dis_func( converter: BaseConverter, *classes: type[AttrsInstance], use_literals: bool = True, overrides: ( dict[str, AttributeOverride] | Literal["from_converter"] ) = "from_converter", ) -> Callable[[Mapping[Any, Any]], type[Any] | None]: """Given attrs classes or dataclasses, generate a disambiguation function. The function is based on unique fields without defaults or unique values. :param use_literals: Whether to try using fields annotated as literals for disambiguation. :param overrides: Attribute overrides to apply. .. versionchanged:: 24.1.0 Dataclasses are now supported. """ if len(classes) < 2: raise ValueError("At least two classes required.") if overrides == "from_converter": overrides = [ getattr(converter.get_structure_hook(c), "overrides", {}) for c in classes ] else: overrides = [overrides for _ in classes] # first, attempt for unique values if use_literals: # requirements for a discriminator field: # (... TODO: a single fallback is OK) # - it must always be enumerated cls_candidates = [ { for at in adapted_fields(get_origin(cl) or cl) if is_literal(at.type) } for cl in classes ] # literal field names common to all members discriminators: set[str] = cls_candidates[0] for possible_discriminators in cls_candidates: discriminators &= possible_discriminators best_result = None best_discriminator = None for discriminator in discriminators: # maps Literal values (strings, ints...) to classes mapping = defaultdict(list) for cl in classes: for key in get_args( fields_dict(get_origin(cl) or cl)[discriminator].type ): mapping[key].append(cl) if best_result is None or max(len(v) for v in mapping.values()) <= max( len(v) for v in best_result.values() ): best_result = mapping best_discriminator = discriminator if ( best_result and best_discriminator and max(len(v) for v in best_result.values()) != len(classes) ): final_mapping = { k: v[0] if len(v) == 1 else Union[tuple(v)] for k, v in best_result.items() } def dis_func(data: Mapping[Any, Any]) -> type | None: if not isinstance(data, Mapping): raise ValueError("Only input mappings are supported.") return final_mapping[data[best_discriminator]] return dis_func # next, attempt for unique keys # NOTE: This could just as well work with just field availability and not # uniqueness, returning Unions ... it doesn't do that right now. cls_and_attrs = [ (cl, *_usable_attribute_names(cl, override)) for cl, override in zip(classes, overrides) ] # For each class, attempt to generate a single unique required field. uniq_attrs_dict: dict[str, type] = {} # We start from classes with the largest number of unique fields # so we can do easy picks first, making later picks easier. cls_and_attrs.sort(key=lambda c_a: len(c_a[1]), reverse=True) fallback = None # If none match, try this. for cl, cl_reqs, back_map in cls_and_attrs: # We do not have to consider classes we've already processed, since # they will have been eliminated by the match dictionary already. other_classes = [ c_and_a for c_and_a in cls_and_attrs if c_and_a[0] is not cl and c_and_a[0] not in uniq_attrs_dict.values() ] other_reqs = reduce(or_, (c_a[1] for c_a in other_classes), set()) uniq = cl_reqs - other_reqs # We want a unique attribute with no default. cl_fields = fields_dict(get_origin(cl) or cl) for maybe_renamed_attr_name in uniq: orig_name = back_map[maybe_renamed_attr_name] if cl_fields[orig_name].default in (NOTHING, MISSING): break else: if fallback is None: fallback = cl continue raise TypeError(f"{cl} has no usable non-default attributes") uniq_attrs_dict[maybe_renamed_attr_name] = cl if fallback is None: def dis_func(data: Mapping[Any, Any]) -> type[AttrsInstance] | None: if not isinstance(data, Mapping): raise ValueError("Only input mappings are supported") for k, v in uniq_attrs_dict.items(): if k in data: return v raise ValueError("Couldn't disambiguate") else: def dis_func(data: Mapping[Any, Any]) -> type[AttrsInstance] | None: if not isinstance(data, Mapping): raise ValueError("Only input mappings are supported") for k, v in uniq_attrs_dict.items(): if k in data: return v return fallback return dis_func
create_uniq_field_dis_func = create_default_dis_func def _overriden_name(at: Attribute, override: AttributeOverride | None) -> str: if override is None or override.rename is None: return return override.rename def _usable_attribute_names( cl: type[Any], overrides: dict[str, AttributeOverride] ) -> tuple[set[str], dict[str, str]]: """Return renamed fields and a mapping to original field names.""" res = set() mapping = {} for at in adapted_fields(get_origin(cl) or cl): res.add(n := _overriden_name(at, overrides.get( mapping[n] = return res, mapping