======================== Preconfigured converters ======================== The :py:mod:`cattrs.preconf` package contains factories for preconfigured converters, specifically adjusted for particular serialization libraries. For example, to get a converter configured for BSON: .. doctest:: >>> from cattrs.preconf.bson import make_converter >>> converter = make_converter() # Takes the same parameters as the ``Converter`` Converters obtained this way can be customized further, just like any other converter. These converters support the following classes and type annotations, both for structuring and unstructuring: * ``str``, ``bytes``, ``int``, ``float``, int enums, string enums * ``attrs`` classes and ``dataclasses`` * lists, homogenous tuples, heterogenous tuples, dictionaries, counters, sets, frozensets * optionals * sequences, mutable sequences, mappings, mutable mappings, sets, mutable sets * ``datetime.datetime`` .. versionadded:: 22.1.0 All preconf converters now have ``loads`` and ``dumps`` methods, which combine un/structuring and the de/serialization logic from their underlying libraries. .. doctest:: >>> from cattrs.preconf.json import make_converter >>> converter = make_converter() >>> @define ... class Test: ... a: int >>> >>> converter.dumps(Test(1)) '{"a": 1}' Particular libraries may have additional constraints documented below. Standard library ``json`` ------------------------- Found at :py:mod:`cattrs.preconf.json`. Bytes are serialized as base 85 strings. Counters are serialized as dictionaries. Sets are serialized as lists, and deserialized back into sets. ``datetime`` s are serialized as ISO 8601 strings. ``ujson`` --------- Found at :py:mod:`cattrs.preconf.ujson`. Bytes are serialized as base 85 strings. Sets are serialized as lists, and deserialized back into sets. ``datetime`` s are serialized as ISO 8601 strings. ``ujson`` doesn't support integers less than -9223372036854775808, and greater than 9223372036854775807, nor does it support `float('inf')`. ``orjson`` ---------- Found at :py:mod:`cattrs.preconf.orjson`. Bytes are serialized as base 85 strings. Sets are serialized as lists, and deserialized back into sets. ``datetime`` s are serialized as ISO 8601 strings. ``orjson`` doesn't support integers less than -9223372036854775808, and greater than 9223372036854775807. ``orjson`` only supports mappings with string keys so mappings will have their keys stringified before serialization, and destringified during deserialization. ``msgpack`` ----------- Found at :py:mod:`cattrs.preconf.msgpack`. Sets are serialized as lists, and deserialized back into sets. ``datetime`` s are serialized as UNIX timestamp float values. ``msgpack`` doesn't support integers less than -9223372036854775808, and greater than 18446744073709551615. When parsing msgpack data from bytes, the library needs to be passed ``strict_map_key=False`` to get the full range of compatibility. ``bson`` -------- Found at :py:mod:`cattrs.preconf.bson`. Tested against the ``bson`` module bundled with the ``pymongo`` library, not the standalone PyPI ``bson`` package. Sets are serialized as lists, and deserialized back into sets. ``bson`` doesn't support integers less than -9223372036854775808 or greater than 9223372036854775807 (64-bit signed). ``bson`` does not support null bytes in mapping keys. ``bson`` only supports mappings with string keys so mappings will have their keys stringified before serialization, and destringified during deserialization. The ``bson`` datetime representation doesn't support microsecond accuracy. When encoding and decoding, the library needs to be passed ``codec_options=bson.CodecOptions(tz_aware=True)`` to get the full range of compatibility. ``pyyaml`` ---------- Found at :py:mod:`cattrs.preconf.pyyaml`. Frozensets are serialized as lists, and deserialized back into frozensets. ``tomlkit`` ----------- Found at :py:mod:`cattrs.preconf.tomlkit`. Bytes are serialized as base 85 strings. Sets are serialized as lists, and deserialized back into sets. Tuples are serialized as lists, and deserialized back into tuples. ``tomlkit`` only supports mappings with string keys so mappings will have their keys stringified before serialization, and destringified during deserialization.