Source code for cattrs.gen

import linecache
import re
import uuid
from dataclasses import is_dataclass
from threading import local
from typing import (

import attr
from attr import NOTHING, frozen, resolve_types

from cattrs.errors import (

from ._compat import (
from ._generics import deep_copy_with

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from cattr.converters import BaseConverter

[docs]@frozen class AttributeOverride: omit_if_default: Optional[bool] = None rename: Optional[str] = None omit: bool = False # Omit the field completely.
[docs]def override( omit_if_default: Optional[bool] = None, rename: Optional[str] = None, omit: bool = False, ): return AttributeOverride(omit_if_default=omit_if_default, rename=rename, omit=omit)
_neutral = AttributeOverride() _already_generating = local() T = TypeVar("T")
[docs]def make_dict_unstructure_fn( cl: Type[T], converter: "BaseConverter", _cattrs_omit_if_default: bool = False, _cattrs_use_linecache: bool = True, **kwargs: AttributeOverride, ) -> Callable[[T], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Generate a specialized dict unstructuring function for an attrs class or a dataclass. """ origin = get_origin(cl) attrs = adapted_fields(origin or cl) # type: ignore if any(isinstance(a.type, str) for a in attrs): # PEP 563 annotations - need to be resolved. resolve_types(cl) mapping = {} if is_generic(cl): mapping = _generate_mapping(cl, mapping) for base in getattr(origin, "__orig_bases__", ()): if is_generic(base) and not str(base).startswith("typing.Generic"): mapping = _generate_mapping(base, mapping) break cl = origin cl_name = cl.__name__ fn_name = "unstructure_" + cl_name globs = {} lines = [] invocation_lines = [] internal_arg_parts = {} # We keep track of what we're generating to help with recursive # class graphs. try: working_set = _already_generating.working_set except AttributeError: working_set = set() _already_generating.working_set = working_set if cl in working_set: raise RecursionError() else: working_set.add(cl) try: for a in attrs: attr_name = override = kwargs.pop(attr_name, _neutral) if override.omit: continue kn = attr_name if override.rename is None else override.rename d = a.default # For each attribute, we try resolving the type here and now. # If a type is manually overwritten, this function should be # regenerated. handler = None if a.type is not None: t = a.type if isinstance(t, TypeVar): if t.__name__ in mapping: t = mapping[t.__name__] else: handler = converter.unstructure elif is_generic(t) and not is_bare(t) and not is_annotated(t): t = deep_copy_with(t, mapping) if handler is None: try: handler = converter._unstructure_func.dispatch(t) except RecursionError: # There's a circular reference somewhere down the line handler = converter.unstructure else: handler = converter.unstructure is_identity = handler == converter._unstructure_identity if not is_identity: unstruct_handler_name = f"__c_unstr_{attr_name}" globs[unstruct_handler_name] = handler internal_arg_parts[unstruct_handler_name] = handler invoke = f"{unstruct_handler_name}(instance.{attr_name})" else: invoke = f"instance.{attr_name}" if d is not attr.NOTHING and ( (_cattrs_omit_if_default and override.omit_if_default is not False) or override.omit_if_default ): def_name = f"__c_def_{attr_name}" if isinstance(d, attr.Factory): globs[def_name] = d.factory internal_arg_parts[def_name] = d.factory if d.takes_self: lines.append( f" if instance.{attr_name} != {def_name}(instance):" ) else: lines.append(f" if instance.{attr_name} != {def_name}():") lines.append(f" res['{kn}'] = {invoke}") else: globs[def_name] = d internal_arg_parts[def_name] = d lines.append(f" if instance.{attr_name} != {def_name}:") lines.append(f" res['{kn}'] = {invoke}") else: # No default or no override. invocation_lines.append(f"'{kn}': {invoke},") internal_arg_line = ", ".join([f"{i}={i}" for i in internal_arg_parts]) if internal_arg_line: internal_arg_line = f", {internal_arg_line}" for k, v in internal_arg_parts.items(): globs[k] = v total_lines = ( [f"def {fn_name}(instance{internal_arg_line}):"] + [" res = {"] + [f" {line}" for line in invocation_lines] + [" }"] + lines + [" return res"] ) script = "\n".join(total_lines) fname = _generate_unique_filename( cl, "unstructure", reserve=_cattrs_use_linecache ) eval(compile(script, fname, "exec"), globs) fn = globs[fn_name] if _cattrs_use_linecache: linecache.cache[fname] = len(script), None, total_lines, fname finally: working_set.remove(cl) return fn
def _generate_mapping(cl: Type, old_mapping: Dict[str, type]) -> Dict[str, type]: mapping = {} # To handle the cases where classes in the typing module are using # the GenericAlias structure but aren’t a Generic and hence # end up in this function but do not have an `__parameters__` # attribute. These classes are interface types, for example # `typing.Hashable`. parameters = getattr(get_origin(cl), "__parameters__", None) if parameters is None: return old_mapping for p, t in zip(parameters, get_args(cl)): if isinstance(t, TypeVar): continue mapping[p.__name__] = t if not mapping: return old_mapping return mapping DictStructureFn = Callable[[Mapping[str, Any], Any], T]
[docs]def make_dict_structure_fn( cl: Type[T], converter: "BaseConverter", _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys: bool = False, _cattrs_use_linecache: bool = True, _cattrs_prefer_attrib_converters: bool = False, _cattrs_detailed_validation: bool = True, **kwargs: AttributeOverride, ) -> DictStructureFn[T]: """Generate a specialized dict structuring function for an attrs class.""" mapping = {} if is_generic(cl): base = get_origin(cl) mapping = _generate_mapping(cl, mapping) cl = base for base in getattr(cl, "__orig_bases__", ()): if is_generic(base) and not str(base).startswith("typing.Generic"): mapping = _generate_mapping(base, mapping) break if isinstance(cl, TypeVar): cl = mapping.get(cl.__name__, cl) cl_name = cl.__name__ fn_name = "structure_" + cl_name # We have generic parameters and need to generate a unique name for the function for p in getattr(cl, "__parameters__", ()): # This is nasty, I am not sure how best to handle `typing.List[str]` or `TClass[int, int]` as a parameter type here try: name_base = mapping[p.__name__] except KeyError: raise StructureHandlerNotFoundError( f"Missing type for generic argument {p.__name__}, specify it when structuring.", p, ) from None name = getattr(name_base, "__name__", None) or str(name_base) name = re.sub(r"[\[\.\] ,]", "_", name) fn_name += f"_{name}" internal_arg_parts = {"__cl": cl} globs = {} lines = [] post_lines = [] invocation_lines = [] attrs = adapted_fields(cl) is_dc = is_dataclass(cl) if any(isinstance(a.type, str) for a in attrs): # PEP 563 annotations - need to be resolved. resolve_types(cl) allowed_fields = set() if _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys: globs["__c_a"] = allowed_fields globs["__c_feke"] = ForbiddenExtraKeysError if _cattrs_detailed_validation: lines.append(" res = {}") lines.append(" errors = []") invocation_lines.append("**res,") internal_arg_parts["__c_cve"] = ClassValidationError for a in attrs: an = override = kwargs.get(an, _neutral) if override.omit: continue t = a.type if isinstance(t, TypeVar): t = mapping.get(t.__name__, t) elif is_generic(t) and not is_bare(t) and not is_annotated(t): t = deep_copy_with(t, mapping) # For each attribute, we try resolving the type here and now. # If a type is manually overwritten, this function should be # regenerated. if a.converter is not None and _cattrs_prefer_attrib_converters: handler = None elif ( a.converter is not None and not _cattrs_prefer_attrib_converters and t is not None ): handler = converter._structure_func.dispatch(t) if handler == converter._structure_error: handler = None elif t is not None: handler = converter._structure_func.dispatch(t) else: handler = converter.structure struct_handler_name = f"__c_structure_{an}" internal_arg_parts[struct_handler_name] = handler ian = an if (is_dc or an[0] != "_") else an[1:] kn = an if override.rename is None else override.rename allowed_fields.add(kn) i = " " if a.default is not NOTHING: lines.append(f"{i}if '{kn}' in o:") i = f"{i} " lines.append(f"{i}try:") i = f"{i} " if handler: if handler == converter._structure_call: internal_arg_parts[struct_handler_name] = t lines.append(f"{i}res['{ian}'] = {struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'])") else: type_name = f"__c_type_{an}" internal_arg_parts[type_name] = t lines.append( f"{i}res['{ian}'] = {struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'], {type_name})" ) else: lines.append(f"{i}res['{ian}'] = o['{kn}']") i = i[:-2] lines.append(f"{i}except Exception as e:") i = f"{i} " lines.append( f"{i}e.__notes__ = getattr(e, '__notes__', []) + [\"Structuring class {cl.__qualname__} @ attribute {an}\"]" ) lines.append(f"{i}errors.append(e)") if _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys: post_lines += [ " unknown_fields = set(o.keys()) - __c_a", " if unknown_fields:", " errors.append(__c_feke('', __cl, unknown_fields))", ] post_lines.append( f" if errors: raise __c_cve('While structuring ' + {cl.__name__!r}, errors, __cl)" ) instantiation_lines = ( [" try:"] + [" return __cl("] + [f" {line}" for line in invocation_lines] + [" )"] + [ f" except Exception as exc: raise __c_cve('While structuring ' + {cl.__name__!r}, [exc], __cl)" ] ) else: non_required = [] # The first loop deals with required args. for a in attrs: an = override = kwargs.get(an, _neutral) if override.omit: continue if a.default is not NOTHING: non_required.append(a) continue t = a.type if isinstance(t, TypeVar): t = mapping.get(t.__name__, t) elif is_generic(t) and not is_bare(t) and not is_annotated(t): t = deep_copy_with(t, mapping) # For each attribute, we try resolving the type here and now. # If a type is manually overwritten, this function should be # regenerated. if a.converter is not None and _cattrs_prefer_attrib_converters: handler = None elif ( a.converter is not None and not _cattrs_prefer_attrib_converters and t is not None ): handler = converter._structure_func.dispatch(t) if handler == converter._structure_error: handler = None elif t is not None: handler = converter._structure_func.dispatch(t) else: handler = converter.structure kn = an if override.rename is None else override.rename allowed_fields.add(kn) if handler: struct_handler_name = f"__c_structure_{an}" internal_arg_parts[struct_handler_name] = handler if handler == converter._structure_call: internal_arg_parts[struct_handler_name] = t invocation_line = f"{struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'])," else: type_name = f"__c_type_{an}" internal_arg_parts[type_name] = t invocation_line = f"{struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'], {type_name})," else: invocation_line = f"o['{kn}']," if a.kw_only: ian = an if (is_dc or an[0] != "_") else an[1:] invocation_line = f"{ian}={invocation_line}" invocation_lines.append(invocation_line) # The second loop is for optional args. if non_required: invocation_lines.append("**res,") lines.append(" res = {}") for a in non_required: an = override = kwargs.get(an, _neutral) t = a.type if isinstance(t, TypeVar): t = mapping.get(t.__name__, t) elif is_generic(t) and not is_bare(t) and not is_annotated(t): t = deep_copy_with(t, mapping) # For each attribute, we try resolving the type here and now. # If a type is manually overwritten, this function should be # regenerated. if a.converter is not None and _cattrs_prefer_attrib_converters: handler = None elif ( a.converter is not None and not _cattrs_prefer_attrib_converters and t is not None ): handler = converter._structure_func.dispatch(t) if handler == converter._structure_error: handler = None elif t is not None: handler = converter._structure_func.dispatch(t) else: handler = converter.structure struct_handler_name = f"__c_structure_{an}" internal_arg_parts[struct_handler_name] = handler ian = an if (is_dc or an[0] != "_") else an[1:] kn = an if override.rename is None else override.rename allowed_fields.add(kn) post_lines.append(f" if '{kn}' in o:") if handler: if handler == converter._structure_call: internal_arg_parts[struct_handler_name] = t post_lines.append( f" res['{ian}'] = {struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'])" ) else: type_name = f"__c_type_{an}" internal_arg_parts[type_name] = t post_lines.append( f" res['{ian}'] = {struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'], {type_name})" ) else: post_lines.append(f" res['{ian}'] = o['{kn}']") instantiation_lines = ( [" return __cl("] + [f" {line}" for line in invocation_lines] + [" )"] ) if _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys: post_lines += [ " unknown_fields = set(o.keys()) - __c_a", " if unknown_fields:", " raise __c_feke('', __cl, unknown_fields)", ] # At the end, we create the function header. internal_arg_line = ", ".join([f"{i}={i}" for i in internal_arg_parts]) for k, v in internal_arg_parts.items(): globs[k] = v total_lines = ( [f"def {fn_name}(o, _, *, {internal_arg_line}):"] + lines + post_lines + instantiation_lines ) fname = _generate_unique_filename(cl, "structure", reserve=_cattrs_use_linecache) script = "\n".join(total_lines) eval(compile(script, fname, "exec"), globs) if _cattrs_use_linecache: linecache.cache[fname] = len(script), None, total_lines, fname return globs[fn_name]
IterableUnstructureFn = Callable[[Iterable[Any]], Any]
[docs]def make_iterable_unstructure_fn( cl: Any, converter: "BaseConverter", unstructure_to: Any = None ) -> IterableUnstructureFn: """Generate a specialized unstructure function for an iterable.""" handler = converter.unstructure fn_name = "unstructure_iterable" # Let's try fishing out the type args # Unspecified tuples have `__args__` as empty tuples, so guard # against IndexError. if getattr(cl, "__args__", None) not in (None, ()): type_arg = cl.__args__[0] # We don't know how to handle the TypeVar on this level, # so we skip doing the dispatch here. if not isinstance(type_arg, TypeVar): handler = converter._unstructure_func.dispatch(type_arg) globs = {"__cattr_seq_cl": unstructure_to or cl, "__cattr_u": handler} lines = [] lines.append(f"def {fn_name}(iterable):") lines.append(" res = __cattr_seq_cl(__cattr_u(i) for i in iterable)") total_lines = lines + [" return res"] eval(compile("\n".join(total_lines), "", "exec"), globs) fn = globs[fn_name] return fn
HeteroTupleUnstructureFn = Callable[[Tuple[Any, ...]], Any]
[docs]def make_hetero_tuple_unstructure_fn( cl: Any, converter: "BaseConverter", unstructure_to: Any = None ) -> HeteroTupleUnstructureFn: """Generate a specialized unstructure function for a heterogenous tuple.""" fn_name = "unstructure_tuple" type_args = get_args(cl) # We can do the dispatch here and now. handlers = [ converter._unstructure_func.dispatch(type_arg) for type_arg in type_args ] globs = {f"__cattr_u_{i}": h for i, h in enumerate(handlers)} if unstructure_to is not tuple: globs["__cattr_seq_cl"] = unstructure_to or cl lines = [] lines.append(f"def {fn_name}(tup):") if unstructure_to is not tuple: lines.append(" res = __cattr_seq_cl((") else: lines.append(" res = (") for i in range(len(handlers)): if handlers[i] == converter._unstructure_identity: lines.append(f" tup[{i}],") else: lines.append(f" __cattr_u_{i}(tup[{i}]),") if unstructure_to is not tuple: lines.append(" ))") else: lines.append(" )") total_lines = lines + [" return res"] eval(compile("\n".join(total_lines), "", "exec"), globs) fn = globs[fn_name] return fn
MappingUnstructureFn = Callable[[Mapping[Any, Any]], Any]
[docs]def make_mapping_unstructure_fn( cl: Any, converter: "BaseConverter", unstructure_to: Any = None, key_handler: Optional[Callable[[Any, Optional[Any]], Any]] = None, ) -> MappingUnstructureFn: """Generate a specialized unstructure function for a mapping.""" kh = key_handler or converter.unstructure val_handler = converter.unstructure fn_name = "unstructure_mapping" # Let's try fishing out the type args. if getattr(cl, "__args__", None) is not None: args = get_args(cl) if len(args) == 2: key_arg, val_arg = args else: # Probably a Counter key_arg, val_arg = args, Any # We can do the dispatch here and now. kh = key_handler or converter._unstructure_func.dispatch(key_arg) if kh == converter._unstructure_identity: kh = None val_handler = converter._unstructure_func.dispatch(val_arg) if val_handler == converter._unstructure_identity: val_handler = None globs = { "__cattr_mapping_cl": unstructure_to or cl, "__cattr_k_u": kh, "__cattr_v_u": val_handler, } k_u = "__cattr_k_u(k)" if kh is not None else "k" v_u = "__cattr_v_u(v)" if val_handler is not None else "v" lines = [] lines.append(f"def {fn_name}(mapping):") lines.append( f" res = __cattr_mapping_cl(({k_u}, {v_u}) for k, v in mapping.items())" ) total_lines = lines + [" return res"] eval(compile("\n".join(total_lines), "", "exec"), globs) fn = globs[fn_name] return fn
MappingStructureFn = Callable[[Mapping[Any, Any], Any], T]
[docs]def make_mapping_structure_fn( cl: Type[T], converter: "BaseConverter", structure_to: Type = dict, key_type=NOTHING, val_type=NOTHING, detailed_validation: bool = True, ) -> MappingStructureFn[T]: """Generate a specialized unstructure function for a mapping.""" fn_name = "structure_mapping" globs: Dict[str, Type] = {"__cattr_mapping_cl": structure_to} lines = [] lines.append(f"def {fn_name}(mapping, _):") # Let's try fishing out the type args. if not is_bare(cl): args = get_args(cl) if len(args) == 2: key_arg_cand, val_arg_cand = args if key_type is NOTHING: key_type = key_arg_cand if val_type is NOTHING: val_type = val_arg_cand else: if key_type is not NOTHING and val_type is NOTHING: (val_type,) = args elif key_type is NOTHING and val_type is not NOTHING: (key_type,) = args else: # Probably a Counter (key_type,) = args val_type = Any is_bare_dict = val_type is Any and key_type is Any if not is_bare_dict: # We can do the dispatch here and now. key_handler = converter._structure_func.dispatch(key_type) if key_handler == converter._structure_call: key_handler = key_type val_handler = converter._structure_func.dispatch(val_type) if val_handler == converter._structure_call: val_handler = val_type globs["__cattr_k_t"] = key_type globs["__cattr_v_t"] = val_type globs["__cattr_k_s"] = key_handler globs["__cattr_v_s"] = val_handler k_s = ( "__cattr_k_s(k, __cattr_k_t)" if key_handler != key_type else "__cattr_k_s(k)" ) v_s = ( "__cattr_v_s(v, __cattr_v_t)" if val_handler != val_type else "__cattr_v_s(v)" ) else: is_bare_dict = True if is_bare_dict: # No args, it's a bare dict. lines.append(" res = dict(mapping)") else: if detailed_validation: globs["enumerate"] = enumerate globs["IterableValidationError"] = IterableValidationError lines.append(" res = {}; errors = []") lines.append(" for ix, (k, v) in enumerate(mapping.items()):") lines.append(" try:") lines.append(f" value = {v_s}") lines.append(" except Exception as e:") lines.append( " e.__notes__ = getattr(e, '__notes__', []) + ['Structuring mapping value @ key ' + repr(k)]" ) lines.append(" errors.append(e)") lines.append(" continue") lines.append(" try:") lines.append(f" key = {k_s}") lines.append(" res[key] = value") lines.append(" except Exception as e:") lines.append( " e.__notes__ = getattr(e, '__notes__', []) + ['Structuring mapping key @ key ' + repr(k)]" ) lines.append(" errors.append(e)") lines.append(" if errors:") lines.append( f" raise IterableValidationError('While structuring ' + {repr(cl)!r}, errors, __cattr_mapping_cl)" ) else: lines.append(f" res = {{{k_s}: {v_s} for k, v in mapping.items()}}") if structure_to is not dict: lines.append(" res = __cattr_mapping_cl(res)") total_lines = lines + [" return res"] script = "\n".join(total_lines) eval(compile(script, "", "exec"), globs) fn = globs[fn_name] return fn
def _generate_unique_filename(cls: Any, func_name: str, reserve: bool = True) -> str: """ Create a "filename" suitable for a function being generated. """ unique_id = uuid.uuid4() extra = "" count = 1 while True: unique_filename = "<cattrs generated {0} {1}.{2}{3}>".format( func_name, cls.__module__, getattr(cls, "__qualname__", cls.__name__), extra ) if not reserve: return unique_filename # To handle concurrency we essentially "reserve" our spot in # the linecache with a dummy line. The caller can then # set this value correctly. cache_line = (1, None, (str(unique_id),), unique_filename) if linecache.cache.setdefault(unique_filename, cache_line) == cache_line: return unique_filename # Looks like this spot is taken. Try again. count += 1 extra = "-{0}".format(count)