Why cattrs?#
Python has a rich set of powerful, easy to use, built-in unstructured data types like dictionaries, lists and tuples. These data types effortlessly convert into common serialization formats like JSON, MessagePack, CBOR, YAML or TOML.
But the data that is used by your business logic should be structured into well-defined classes, since not all combinations of field names or values are valid inputs to your programs. The more trust you can have into the structure of your data, the simpler your code can be, and the fewer edge cases you have to worry about.
When you’re handed unstructured data (by your network, file system, database, …), cattrs helps to convert this data into trustworthy structured data. When you have to convert your structured data into data types that other libraries can handle, cattrs turns your classes and enumerations into dictionaries, integers and strings.
attrs (and to a certain degree dataclasses) are excellent libraries for declaratively describing the structure of your data, but they’re purposefully not serialization libraries.
cattrs is there for you the moment your attrs.asdict(your_instance)
and YourClass(**data)
start failing you because you need more control over the conversion process.
cattrs works best with attrs classes, and dataclasses where simple (un-)structuring works out of the box, even for nested data, without polluting your data model with serialization details:
>>> from attrs import define
>>> from cattrs import structure, unstructure
>>> @define
... class C:
... a: int
... b: list[str]
>>> instance = structure({'a': 1, 'b': ['x', 'y']}, C)
>>> instance
C(a=1, b=['x', 'y'])
>>> unstructure(instance)
{'a': 1, 'b': ['x', 'y']}
Note how the structuring and unstructuring details do not pollute your class, meaning: your data model. Any needs to configure the conversion are done within cattrs itself, not within your data model.
There are popular validation libraries for Python that couple your data model with its validation and serialization rules based on, for example, web APIs. We think that’s the wrong approach. Validation and serializations are concerns of the edges of your program – not the core. They should neither apply design pressure on your business code, nor affect the performance of your code through unnecessary validation. In bigger real-world code bases it’s also common for data coming from multiple sources that need different validation and serialization rules.
🎶 You gotta keep ‘em separated. 🎶
cattrs also works with the usual Python collection types like dictionaries, lists, or tuples when you want to normalize unstructured data data into a certain (still unstructured) shape. For example, to convert a list of a float, an int and a string into a tuple of ints:
>>> import cattrs
>>> cattrs.structure([1.0, 2, "3"], tuple[int, int, int])
(1, 2, 3)
Finally, here’s a much more complex example, involving attrs classes where cattrs interprets the type annotations to structure and unstructure the data correctly, including Enums and nested data structures:
>>> from enum import unique, Enum
>>> from typing import Sequence
>>> from cattrs import structure, unstructure
>>> from attrs import define, field
>>> @unique
... class CatBreed(Enum):
... SIAMESE = "siamese"
... MAINE_COON = "maine_coon"
... SACRED_BIRMAN = "birman"
>>> @define
... class Cat:
... breed: CatBreed
... names: Sequence[str]
>>> @define
... class DogMicrochip:
... chip_id = field() # Type annotations are optional, but recommended
... time_chipped: float = field()
>>> @define
... class Dog:
... cuteness: int
... chip: DogMicrochip | None = None
>>> p = unstructure([Dog(cuteness=1, chip=DogMicrochip(chip_id=1, time_chipped=10.0)),
... Cat(breed=CatBreed.MAINE_COON, names=('Fluffly', 'Fluffer'))])
>>> p
[{'cuteness': 1, 'chip': {'chip_id': 1, 'time_chipped': 10.0}}, {'breed': 'maine_coon', 'names': ['Fluffly', 'Fluffer']}]
>>> structure(p, list[Dog | Cat])
[Dog(cuteness=1, chip=DogMicrochip(chip_id=1, time_chipped=10.0)), Cat(breed=<CatBreed.MAINE_COON: 'maine_coon'>, names=['Fluffly', 'Fluffer'])]
Consider unstructured data a low-level representation that needs to be converted to structured data to be handled, and use structure()
When you’re done, unstructure()
the data to its unstructured form and pass it along to another library or module.
Recursive Unstructuring#
attrs classes and dataclasses are converted into dictionaries in a way similar to
, or into tuples in a way similar toattrs.astuple()
.Enumeration instances are converted to their values.
Other types are let through without conversion. This includes types such as integers, dictionaries, lists and instances of non-attrs classes.
Custom converters for any type can be registered using
Recursive Structuring#
Converts unstructured data into structured data, recursively, according to your specification given as a type. The following types are supported:
and its 3.10+ form,T | None
convert to a lists.tuple
(both variants,tuple[T, ...]
andtuple[X, Y, Z]
, andtyping.Set[T]
convert to a sets.frozenset[T]
, andtyping.FrozenSet[T]
convert to a frozensets.dict[K, V]
,typing.Dict[K, V]
,typing.MutableMapping[K, V]
, andtyping.Mapping[K, V]
convert to a dictionaries.typing.TypedDict
, ordinary and generic.PEP 695 type aliases on 3.12+
attrs classes with simple attributes and the usual
[1].All attrs classes and dataclasses with the usual
, if their complex attributes have type metadata.Unions of supported attrs classes, given that all of the classes have a unique field.
Unions of anything, if you provide a disambiguation function for it.
Custom converters for any type can be registered using
Batteries Included#
cattrs comes with pre-configured converters for a number of serialization libraries, including JSON (standard library, orjson, UltraJSON), msgpack, cbor2, bson, PyYAML, tomlkit and msgspec (supports only JSON at this time).
For details, see the cattrs.preconf package.
Design Decisions#
cattrs is based on a few fundamental design decisions:
Un/structuring rules are separate from the models. This allows models to have a one-to-many relationship with un/structuring rules, and to create un/structuring rules for models which you do not own and you cannot change. (cattrs can be configured to use un/structuring rules from models using the
strategy.)Invent as little as possible; reuse existing ordinary Python instead. For example, cattrs did not have a custom exception type to group exceptions until the sanctioned Python
. A side-effect of this design decision is that, in a lot of cases, when you’re solving cattrs problems you’re actually learning Python instead of learning cattrs.Resist the temptation to guess. If there are two ways of solving a problem, cattrs should refuse to guess and let the user configure it themselves.
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, so these decisions can and are sometimes broken, but they have proven to be a good foundation.