Source code for cattrs.gen.typeddicts

from __future__ import annotations

import re
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Literal, TypeVar

from attrs import NOTHING, Attribute

    from inspect import get_annotations

    def get_annots(cl) -> dict[str, Any]:
        return get_annotations(cl, eval_str=True)

except ImportError:
    def get_annots(cl) -> dict[str, Any]:
        if isinstance(cl, type):
            ann = cl.__dict__.get("__annotations__", {})
            ann = getattr(cl, "__annotations__", {})
        return ann

    from typing_extensions import _TypedDictMeta
except ImportError:
    _TypedDictMeta = None

from .._compat import (
from .._generics import deep_copy_with
from ..errors import (
from ..fns import identity
from . import AttributeOverride
from ._consts import already_generating, neutral
from ._generics import generate_mapping
from ._lc import generate_unique_filename
from ._shared import find_structure_handler

    from ..converters import BaseConverter

__all__ = ["make_dict_unstructure_fn", "make_dict_structure_fn"]

T = TypeVar("T", bound=TypedDict)

[docs]def make_dict_unstructure_fn( cl: type[T], converter: BaseConverter, _cattrs_use_linecache: bool = True, **kwargs: AttributeOverride, ) -> Callable[[T], dict[str, Any]]: """ Generate a specialized dict unstructuring function for a TypedDict. :param cl: A `TypedDict` class. :param converter: A Converter instance to use for unstructuring nested fields. :param kwargs: A mapping of field names to an `AttributeOverride`, for customization. :param _cattrs_detailed_validation: Whether to store the generated code in the _linecache_, for easier debugging and better stack traces. """ origin = get_origin(cl) attrs = _adapted_fields(origin or cl) # type: ignore req_keys = _required_keys(origin or cl) mapping = {} if is_generic(cl): mapping = generate_mapping(cl, mapping) for base in getattr(origin, "__orig_bases__", ()): if is_generic(base) and not str(base).startswith("typing.Generic"): mapping = generate_mapping(base, mapping) break # It's possible for origin to be None if this is a subclass # of a generic class. if origin is not None: cl = origin cl_name = cl.__name__ fn_name = "unstructure_typeddict_" + cl_name globs = {} lines = [] internal_arg_parts = {} # We keep track of what we're generating to help with recursive # class graphs. try: working_set = already_generating.working_set except AttributeError: working_set = set() already_generating.working_set = working_set if cl in working_set: raise RecursionError() working_set.add(cl) try: # We want to short-circuit in certain cases and return the identity # function. # We short-circuit if all of these are true: # * no attributes have been overridden # * all attributes resolve to `converter._unstructure_identity` for a in attrs: attr_name = override = kwargs.get(attr_name, neutral) if override != neutral: break handler = None t = a.type if isinstance(t, TypeVar): if t.__name__ in mapping: t = mapping[t.__name__] else: # Unbound typevars use late binding. handler = converter.unstructure elif is_generic(t) and not is_bare(t) and not is_annotated(t): t = deep_copy_with(t, mapping) if handler is None: nrb = get_notrequired_base(t) if nrb is not NOTHING: t = nrb try: handler = converter.get_unstructure_hook(t) except RecursionError: # There's a circular reference somewhere down the line handler = converter.unstructure is_identity = handler == identity if not is_identity: break else: # We've not broken the loop. return identity for ix, a in enumerate(attrs): attr_name = override = kwargs.get(attr_name, neutral) if override.omit: lines.append(f" res.pop('{attr_name}', None)") continue if override.rename is not None: # We also need to pop when renaming, since we're copying # the original. lines.append(f" res.pop('{attr_name}', None)") kn = attr_name if override.rename is None else override.rename attr_required = attr_name in req_keys # For each attribute, we try resolving the type here and now. # If a type is manually overwritten, this function should be # regenerated. handler = None if override.unstruct_hook is not None: handler = override.unstruct_hook else: t = a.type if isinstance(t, TypeVar): if t.__name__ in mapping: t = mapping[t.__name__] else: handler = converter.unstructure elif is_generic(t) and not is_bare(t) and not is_annotated(t): t = deep_copy_with(t, mapping) if handler is None: nrb = get_notrequired_base(t) if nrb is not NOTHING: t = nrb try: handler = converter.get_unstructure_hook(t) except RecursionError: # There's a circular reference somewhere down the line handler = converter.unstructure is_identity = handler == identity if not is_identity: unstruct_handler_name = f"__c_unstr_{ix}" globs[unstruct_handler_name] = handler internal_arg_parts[unstruct_handler_name] = handler invoke = f"{unstruct_handler_name}(instance['{attr_name}'])" elif override.rename is None: # We're not doing anything to this attribute, so # it'll already be present in the input dict. continue else: # Probably renamed, we just fetch it. invoke = f"instance['{attr_name}']" if attr_required: # No default or no override. lines.append(f" res['{kn}'] = {invoke}") else: lines.append(f" if '{attr_name}' in instance: res['{kn}'] = {invoke}") internal_arg_line = ", ".join([f"{i}={i}" for i in internal_arg_parts]) if internal_arg_line: internal_arg_line = f", {internal_arg_line}" for k, v in internal_arg_parts.items(): globs[k] = v total_lines = [ f"def {fn_name}(instance{internal_arg_line}):", " res = instance.copy()", *lines, " return res", ] script = "\n".join(total_lines) fname = generate_unique_filename( cl, "unstructure", lines=total_lines if _cattrs_use_linecache else [] ) eval(compile(script, fname, "exec"), globs) finally: working_set.remove(cl) if not working_set: del already_generating.working_set return globs[fn_name]
[docs]def make_dict_structure_fn( cl: Any, converter: BaseConverter, _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys: bool | Literal["from_converter"] = "from_converter", _cattrs_use_linecache: bool = True, _cattrs_detailed_validation: bool | Literal["from_converter"] = "from_converter", **kwargs: AttributeOverride, ) -> Callable[[dict, Any], Any]: """Generate a specialized dict structuring function for typed dicts. :param cl: A `TypedDict` class. :param converter: A Converter instance to use for structuring nested fields. :param kwargs: A mapping of field names to an `AttributeOverride`, for customization. :param _cattrs_detailed_validation: Whether to use a slower mode that produces more detailed errors. :param _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys: Whether the structuring function should raise a `ForbiddenExtraKeysError` if unknown keys are encountered. :param _cattrs_detailed_validation: Whether to store the generated code in the _linecache_, for easier debugging and better stack traces. .. versionchanged:: 23.2.0 The `_cattrs_forbid_extra_keys` and `_cattrs_detailed_validation` parameters take their values from the given converter by default. """ mapping = {} if is_generic(cl): base = get_origin(cl) mapping = generate_mapping(cl, mapping) if base is not None: # It's possible for this to be a subclass of a generic, # so no origin. cl = base for base in getattr(cl, "__orig_bases__", ()): if is_generic(base) and not str(base).startswith("typing.Generic"): mapping = generate_mapping(base, mapping) break cl_name = cl.__name__ fn_name = "structure_" + cl_name # We have generic parameters and need to generate a unique name for the function for p in getattr(cl, "__parameters__", ()): try: name_base = mapping[p.__name__] except KeyError: pn = p.__name__ raise StructureHandlerNotFoundError( f"Missing type for generic argument {pn}, specify it when structuring.", p, ) from None name = getattr(name_base, "__name__", None) or str(name_base) # `<>` can be present in lambdas # `|` can be present in unions name = re.sub(r"[\[\.\] ,<>]", "_", name) name = re.sub(r"\|", "u", name) fn_name += f"_{name}" internal_arg_parts = {"__cl": cl} globs = {} lines = [] post_lines = [] attrs = _adapted_fields(cl) req_keys = _required_keys(cl) allowed_fields = set() if _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys == "from_converter": # BaseConverter doesn't have it so we're careful. _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys = getattr(converter, "forbid_extra_keys", False) if _cattrs_detailed_validation == "from_converter": _cattrs_detailed_validation = converter.detailed_validation if _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys: globs["__c_a"] = allowed_fields globs["__c_feke"] = ForbiddenExtraKeysError lines.append(" res = o.copy()") if _cattrs_detailed_validation: lines.append(" errors = []") internal_arg_parts["__c_cve"] = ClassValidationError internal_arg_parts["__c_avn"] = AttributeValidationNote for ix, a in enumerate(attrs): an = attr_required = an in req_keys override = kwargs.get(an, neutral) if override.omit: continue t = a.type if isinstance(t, TypeVar): t = mapping.get(t.__name__, t) elif is_generic(t) and not is_bare(t) and not is_annotated(t): t = deep_copy_with(t, mapping) nrb = get_notrequired_base(t) if nrb is not NOTHING: t = nrb if is_generic(t) and not is_bare(t) and not is_annotated(t): t = deep_copy_with(t, mapping) # For each attribute, we try resolving the type here and now. # If a type is manually overwritten, this function should be # regenerated. if override.struct_hook is not None: # If the user has requested an override, just use that. handler = override.struct_hook else: handler = find_structure_handler(a, t, converter) struct_handler_name = f"__c_structure_{ix}" internal_arg_parts[struct_handler_name] = handler kn = an if override.rename is None else override.rename allowed_fields.add(kn) i = " " if not attr_required: lines.append(f"{i}if '{kn}' in o:") i = f"{i} " lines.append(f"{i}try:") i = f"{i} " tn = f"__c_type_{ix}" internal_arg_parts[tn] = t if handler == converter._structure_call: internal_arg_parts[struct_handler_name] = t lines.append(f"{i}res['{an}'] = {struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'])") else: lines.append(f"{i}res['{an}'] = {struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'], {tn})") if override.rename is not None: lines.append(f"{i}del res['{kn}']") i = i[:-2] lines.append(f"{i}except Exception as e:") i = f"{i} " lines.append( f'{i}e.__notes__ = [*getattr(e, \'__notes__\', []), __c_avn("Structuring typeddict {cl.__qualname__} @ attribute {an}", "{an}", {tn})]' ) lines.append(f"{i}errors.append(e)") if _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys: post_lines += [ " unknown_fields = o.keys() - __c_a", " if unknown_fields:", " errors.append(__c_feke('', __cl, unknown_fields))", ] post_lines.append( f" if errors: raise __c_cve('While structuring ' + {cl.__name__!r}, errors, __cl)" ) else: non_required = [] # The first loop deals with required args. for ix, a in enumerate(attrs): an = attr_required = an in req_keys override = kwargs.get(an, neutral) if override.omit: continue if not attr_required: non_required.append((ix, a)) continue t = a.type if isinstance(t, TypeVar): t = mapping.get(t.__name__, t) elif is_generic(t) and not is_bare(t) and not is_annotated(t): t = deep_copy_with(t, mapping) nrb = get_notrequired_base(t) if nrb is not NOTHING: t = nrb if override.struct_hook is not None: handler = override.struct_hook else: # For each attribute, we try resolving the type here and now. # If a type is manually overwritten, this function should be # regenerated. handler = converter.get_structure_hook(t) kn = an if override.rename is None else override.rename allowed_fields.add(kn) struct_handler_name = f"__c_structure_{ix}" internal_arg_parts[struct_handler_name] = handler if handler == converter._structure_call: internal_arg_parts[struct_handler_name] = t invocation_line = f" res['{an}'] = {struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'])" else: tn = f"__c_type_{ix}" internal_arg_parts[tn] = t invocation_line = ( f" res['{an}'] = {struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'], {tn})" ) lines.append(invocation_line) if override.rename is not None: lines.append(f" del res['{override.rename}']") # The second loop is for optional args. if non_required: for ix, a in non_required: an = override = kwargs.get(an, neutral) t = a.type nrb = get_notrequired_base(t) if nrb is not NOTHING: t = nrb if isinstance(t, TypeVar): t = mapping.get(t.__name__, t) elif is_generic(t) and not is_bare(t) and not is_annotated(t): t = deep_copy_with(t, mapping) if override.struct_hook is not None: handler = override.struct_hook else: # For each attribute, we try resolving the type here and now. # If a type is manually overwritten, this function should be # regenerated. handler = converter.get_structure_hook(t) struct_handler_name = f"__c_structure_{ix}" internal_arg_parts[struct_handler_name] = handler ian = an kn = an if override.rename is None else override.rename allowed_fields.add(kn) post_lines.append(f" if '{kn}' in o:") if handler == converter._structure_call: internal_arg_parts[struct_handler_name] = t post_lines.append( f" res['{ian}'] = {struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'])" ) else: tn = f"__c_type_{ix}" internal_arg_parts[tn] = t post_lines.append( f" res['{ian}'] = {struct_handler_name}(o['{kn}'], {tn})" ) if override.rename is not None: lines.append(f" res.pop('{override.rename}', None)") if _cattrs_forbid_extra_keys: post_lines += [ " unknown_fields = o.keys() - __c_a", " if unknown_fields:", " raise __c_feke('', __cl, unknown_fields)", ] # At the end, we create the function header. internal_arg_line = ", ".join([f"{i}={i}" for i in internal_arg_parts]) for k, v in internal_arg_parts.items(): globs[k] = v total_lines = [ f"def {fn_name}(o, _, {internal_arg_line}):", *lines, *post_lines, " return res", ] script = "\n".join(total_lines) fname = generate_unique_filename( cl, "structure", lines=total_lines if _cattrs_use_linecache else [] ) eval(compile(script, fname, "exec"), globs) return globs[fn_name]
def _adapted_fields(cls: Any) -> list[Attribute]: annotations = get_annots(cls) hints = get_full_type_hints(cls) return [ Attribute( n, NOTHING, None, False, False, False, False, False, type=hints[n] if n in hints else annotations[n], ) for n, a in annotations.items() ] def _is_extensions_typeddict(cls) -> bool: if _TypedDictMeta is None: return False return cls.__class__ is _TypedDictMeta or ( is_generic(cls) and (cls.__origin__.__class__ is _TypedDictMeta) ) if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): def _required_keys(cls: type) -> set[str]: return cls.__required_keys__ elif sys.version_info >= (3, 9): from typing_extensions import Annotated, NotRequired, Required, get_args # Note that there is no `typing.Required` on 3.9 and 3.10, only in # `typing_extensions`. Therefore, `typing.TypedDict` will not honor this # annotation, only `typing_extensions.TypedDict`. def _required_keys(cls: type) -> set[str]: """Our own processor for required keys.""" if _is_extensions_typeddict(cls): return cls.__required_keys__ # We vendor a part of the typing_extensions logic for # gathering required keys. *sigh* own_annotations = cls.__dict__.get("__annotations__", {}) required_keys = set() # On 3.8 - 3.10, typing.TypedDict doesn't put typeddict superclasses # in the MRO, therefore we cannot handle non-required keys properly # in some situations. Oh well. for key in getattr(cls, "__required_keys__", []): annotation_type = own_annotations[key] annotation_origin = get_origin(annotation_type) if annotation_origin is Annotated: annotation_args = get_args(annotation_type) if annotation_args: annotation_type = annotation_args[0] annotation_origin = get_origin(annotation_type) if annotation_origin is NotRequired: pass elif cls.__total__: required_keys.add(key) return required_keys else: from typing_extensions import Annotated, NotRequired, Required, get_args # On 3.8, typing.TypedDicts do not have __required_keys__. def _required_keys(cls: type) -> set[str]: """Our own processor for required keys.""" if _is_extensions_typeddict(cls): return cls.__required_keys__ own_annotations = cls.__dict__.get("__annotations__", {}) required_keys = set() for key in own_annotations: annotation_type = own_annotations[key] if is_annotated(annotation_type): # If this is `Annotated`, we need to get the origin twice. annotation_type = get_origin(annotation_type) annotation_origin = get_origin(annotation_type) if annotation_origin is Required: required_keys.add(key) elif annotation_origin is NotRequired: pass elif cls.__total__: required_keys.add(key) return required_keys